Friday, April 3, 2009

Pretty sure

I lurk blogs more then I write them now. Im going to write about stuff this time and try not to just blab on about anything random. Well I start holidays on Thursday. Finally, I am so over school. I think falling asleep in class is defiantly a sign that your due to have holidays. But anyway, I dont really have anything planned, Im going to see my Pa for easter and go to the zoo, on easter Friday till easter Sunday. Then not really much else is planned besides my birthday on the 27th. Im bored. And my boyfriend is at work. Its not fair I want a job. I just want one so Im not bored all the time, and so I can have more money. Im sick of getting turned down by dumb 'boss' people. Ill show em who's boss! Oh well, I might go now Im getting cold! But the sky is blue..
p.s My favorite book is coming out as a movie 'Where the wild things are' Can not wait to see it.


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