Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here you go

what’s your one favourite song? Caseys song, City and colour.   
if you could be any fictional character, who would it be? Fictional, made up. Cassie from skins, her life is a drama yet she is perfect but doesn't see it.
predict an interesting trend you feel is on the horizon. Nude  
if you could be any other nationality, which would it be? i'd have an english father & a swedish mother. i would have to be both, i couldnt possibly choose. 
favourite disney movie? Finding Nemo & The little mermaid  
who are you most envious of? People with clear skin. 
the world is ending. who’s your last text message sent to? Matt.
where is that lovely hat from? My friend bought it from at the markets for my birthday its like a fox/wolf/huski dog beanie
what piece of clothing would you love to have regardless of cost? I need a suitable, inexpensive leather jacket, that turns heads.
who’s wardrobe would you raid if you had the chance? All lover collections
 describe your dream day. Waking up in my loves arms, then having a nice cuddle, walking into the kitchen for a nice breakfast, a beautiful dress with socks and a cardie sitting there to put on, drive to a nice hill with a view and have a lovely picnic. Oh yes.
what do you want to do career wise? I would love to write for Frankie magazine. 
what is your favourite perfume? It changes, atm Light blue.
favourite magazine? Frankie
 favourite film? To many to name just one.
favourite book? The pact, The time travelers wife, The perks of being a wallflower. 
favourite era? 08.
if you could have the wardrobe of any film character who would it be?
favourite model? Sashaa pivovarova & Louise. 
favourite tv show? Skins & Australia's next top model.
how old are you? Sixteen. 
if you could be a magazine, which would you be? Frankie Id jump right into that life in any second.
 favourite disney princess? Cinderella, and Arial.
what’s on your wishlist? I have a wish list posted down below, Id like to add nice heels onto it as well. 
what’s your favourite music/band/artist of all time? Of all time, I couldn't possibly say. 

If you could chose one person to be your flatmate for the next ten years, who would that person be? Matthew Whitaker of course.
what’s your guilty pleasure? sex
favourite drink? Peach ice tea.
most favourite recent purchase? New bras, socks, vest and shirt. 
when did you discover fashion? how old were you? what triggered it? I was about eight, My cousin was studying fashion and she inspired me to start drawing hopeless pictures, collecting scraps of fabric, cutting images out.. 
favourite actress? Julie delpy.

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