Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Im a die now

I didn't create a blog to rant about my depressing life and whatever but sometimes I need to get things off my chest and who knows who reads this hopefully a few of  you so you never know.. well I uploaded a new photo to myspace and I agree I look pretty thin in that photo, I did not at all notice it until someone commented it, and then another person and another and another. I find it annoying how you can see someone is thin you dont need to stress it, by stress I mean say something its not like I dont notice it, its not like everyone else cant see it, so I personally dont need that mentioned. I dont mind my weight as much anymore, I look good in clothes yeah hey Im gonna say its one of the rare plus's about being thin. I am going to raid on about this for a while. I have a few points.

1. first mentioned, I look good in clothes, I can walk in pick up at size 6-8 and sometimes 10 and they will fit me, and look nice I like that. 
2. At least Im not fat, i dont feel ashamed of myself walking around in public, not go shopping cos nothing will fit and Im not always comparing myself to different girls, complaining  and annoying the people around me by saying Im fat all the time.
3. Also a bonus about it also is i can eat as much shit and anything as i want my metabolism is extremely fast so there for zero weight gain. 
4. Im not un-attractively skinny my bones dont stick out at every angle, i have a lil chubby face so Im not all bluntly shaped so stfu.
5. I like how models are thin, it gives us skinny girls something to bring to the table fat people bring food, we bring clothes.. hot. But the point is fat people don't make clothes look good, skinny people do when you have a nice looking petite skinny girl and a fat girl wearing the same out fit who would you choose? The answer is obvious.

So the point is, dont mention my weight to my or anyone else who is like me as if its a bad thing. Its not so stuff you!


ilikeyoursundaypersonalitybetter. said...

i apoligise .. i'm sorry love.. i commented it saying you were skinny.

Fox said...

You look beautiful, whatever weight. I'd kill for yours baby.. hence forth you're a babe and I love you unconditionally