Thursday, June 18, 2009

My jewelry

Im not a big jewelry wearer, everything I wear has to have some sort of significant meaning to me. Firstly my identification bracelet matthew gave to me for christmas, it says kate on the front and love matt on that back, something I am hardly ever seen with out. Next my necklace that matt made for me, I think this is my favorite out of all my jewelry I have ever owned. Its very meaningful and is kept close to my heart. The next thing is my beaded braclet it has an energy meaning to it, I always feel tired and I like to think that the bracelet helps with that also its chinese and It a lovely colour of course. Finally I always have multiple black thin hair elastics on my wrist, although they aren't really jewelry I mainly have them because you never know when you might need one, and they are very entertaining when your bored..

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