Thursday, May 21, 2009


Its a shame there no one to blame for all the pain that life brings, or there might be several people.. I hate witnessing people being directly slack to others, yeah sure I can put up with some good bitching, I can participate in it also, But I hate walking past and then see someone else putting someone else down directly to them, a group of people yelling remarks out so someone else, a group of girls walk past whisper and snicker, Im sick of this. 
Also I am sick of people being annoying, In general lately the smallest thing can annoy me, I think If you spent the whole day with me which some of you do, you might notice it, Im take everything so seriously at the moment.  I would like for me to just live with my boyfriend, and get to know a brand new group of people who I know nothing about this would be just lovely, I really like meeting new people, Matt's usually the one who introduces me to them he has introduced me to some really nice, interesting people. But I would like to meet some new people myself, so far I have haven't had much luck, pass me a tissue? 


shari marie. said...

Hmmm, yes.
I'm getting sick of you too.

Fox said...

Oh wow, you do too.
Buuuuuuuuuuut.. mine was cause these little sluts last night gave me death stares. I was like -_____-